Store link in galleries home list
28 Mar 2023
If you are already subscribed to the STORE Extra, we are bringing you a new feature! Your store was already linked all over the site in the main menu, but if you setup your home to show a list of your galleries, now you can include a link to your store there.
First, in "Appearance" -> "General", be sure to check "List all galleries" in "In portfolio home, show..." and then check "Show store in galleries home".
By default, we will use the image of the first product on your store to display the store item in the home list. But you can upload a custom front picture for the store in "Store & Products" -> "Configure store settings". You can set up if the store item appears first or last in the list.
When you've done that, your store will be much more visible in your website's home!
For any doubt, question, suggestion or problem, please contact us at uservoice or write us at [email protected].
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