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Tag your #Inktober2018 works

01 Oct 2018

Did you do the Inktober Challenge during 2017? As we did last year, we created a special index in "Discover Artists" to showcase all the inktober works from our users.

To be shown there, just upload your inktober works to your portfolio website, go to "Edit" on each picture and tag it with the "inktober2018" (no need to put #) tag in "Tags".

Still don't know what Inktober is all about? Well, illustrator Jake Parker started this challenge on 2009, and now artists all over the world do and share one ink drawing a day the entire month of october, following a new list of themes proposed each year.

Here's the list for this year, and we hope to see your works featured in Discover Artists!

Tag your #Inktober2018 works

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