Tag your #Inktober2019 works
08 Oct 2019
We are back! We know that it has ben a while since we last published on this blog, but we have been getting some new stuff ready, and we did two short trips to Marseille (as part of European Union's CHEBEC program) and to Colombia (as part of the RedEmprendia Landing program), aside from being part of Prime The Animation 2019. We are building content to tell you all that we did and learnt there, but meanwhile.. it is Inktober already!!
As we did last year, we created a special index in "Discover Artists" to showcase all the inktober works from our users.
To be shown there, just upload your inktober works to your portfolio website, go to "Edit" on each picture and tag it with the "inktober2019" (no need to put #) tag in "Tags".
And, as we did last year we will be giving away one year of PRO Plan for free to the artist whose work has the most likes in that list. To allow everyone to have enough time to upload everything and receive likes, we will be waiting until 15th of November to find the winner.
No matter if you follow the original Inktober by Jake Parker, or maybe Catalina Novelli's version, or your own Inktober: the main goal is to learn and share!
We hope to see your work, and Happy Inktober!
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