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Most liked artists in 2020

21 Dec 2020

2020 has been tough for everyone, but at least we are almost over it. As as we did last year, we want to show you the artists with the most liked pictures and works in Drawfolio in 2020.

Como verás, muchas de ellas están relacionadas con el Día del Comic Gratis 2020, que no puedo llegar a celebrarse físicamente en las librerías debido al confinamiento. Pero seguro que el año que viene el equipo del Día del Comic Gratis consigue reanudar el evento con más fuerza, aunque sea en fechas distintas.

As always, you can find out more artists and inspiration in our Discover Artists search engine. If you want more chances of appearing ins posts like this, you can enable Likes in your Drawfolio website.

Also, here are our Instagram best Nine. The artists, from left to right, and top to bottom: Tenderete Festival 2020, Minxyuu , La Niña Pollo at Jornades de Ilustració Valencia 2020, Alicia del Rey, Marta Kayser, Mai Egurza, Natalia Cardozo, Eugenia Susel, y Melania Badosa.

Most liked artists in 2020

And that's all for now! All the team at Drawfolio wishes you a Merry Christmas.

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